
Mysteries of Naples: The Sacred and the Profane at Santa Luciella ai Librai

Mysteries of Naples: The Sacred and the Profane at Santa Luciella ai Librai

In the fervent and chaotic belly of Naples, amidst narrow streets and ancient buildings that tell tales of times past, lies a sacred place steeped in mystery and unconventional spirituality. This is the church of Santa Luciella ai Librai, the guardian of a tradition deeply rooted in the Neapolitan popular culture, that of the worship of the 'anime pezzentelle' or needy souls. In the pale light of a twilight reflected among the narrow alleys, the entrance to the church appears as a gateway to the unknown. A sense of mysterious sanctity, imbued with a sober and refined beauty, welcomes the…
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Eternal Echoes in Padua: The Monumento Funebre ai De Marchetti

Eternal Echoes in Padua: The Monumento Funebre ai De Marchetti

Upon crossing the threshold of the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua, one finds themselves immersed in a world of sacred art, history, and spirituality. Commonly known as the Basilica of the Saint, the building is a true architectural gem, an essential visit for anyone in the city. Inside, dozens of artworks can be counted, each with its unique charm, but there is one monument that always strikes me particularly.It is the funerary monument, the Monumento Funebre ai De Marchetti. This work, which harmoniously combines artistic beauty with a call to deep reflections on human existence, fascinates me every time…
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Harry Potter and the Middle Ages: A Rich Cultural Legacy

Harry Potter and the Middle Ages: A Rich Cultural Legacy

When we think of "Harry Potter," the magical universe crafted by J.K. Rowling, images of witches, wizards, fantastical creatures, and enchanted castles immediately flood our minds. Yet how often do we pause to reflect on how deeply these elements are embedded in our collective imagination, especially in terms of their influence by medieval culture and history? This is a voyage into the Harry Potter universe through the eyes of a medieval historian.Let's begin with the most iconic location of the saga: Hogwarts. This medieval castle, with its turrets, drawbridges, dungeons, and living portraits, conjures up images of European medieval castles—places…
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Brothels of Ancient Rome: A Socio-Cultural Study

Brothels of Ancient Rome: A Socio-Cultural Study

Understanding social and everyday life in Ancient Rome calls for an in-depth exploration of multiple facets of society, including aspects of sexuality and the role of brothels. These establishments, spaces devoted to prostitution, were notably present and widespread throughout the Roman Empire, evidencing a reality as intricate as it is captivating.The Roman brothel, or lupanar, was a location intended for the practice of prostitution. This activity was legal, taxed, and regulated by precise rules. Slaves, both male and female, were often compelled into prostitution—a practice that may seem shocking today but was considered normal and acceptable in ancient Rome.In that…
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