Marco Mattiuzzi

A multifaceted artist, former teacher and communicator, he has dedicated years to art and communication. He taught classical guitar, exhibited photos and wrote in magazines. In the book sector, he promoted photography and art through HF Distribuzione, a company specialized in mail-order sales. He currently owns CYBERSPAZIO WEB & STREAMING HOSTING. In 2018, he created the Facebook group "Art Pills" with over 65,000 members and manages CYBERSPAZIO WEB RADIO dedicated to classical music. He collaborates with several cultural organizations in Vercelli, including Amici dei Musei and Artes Liberales.
For more info click here.
207 Posts
The Intrinsic Dichotomy of Modern Sculpture: An Analysis of Canova and Thorvaldsen

The Intrinsic Dichotomy of Modern Sculpture: An Analysis of Canova and Thorvaldsen

Dive into the Profound Artistry of Milan: A Reflection on Canova and Thorvaldsen's Sculptural GeniusMilan, a city where art whispers through the streets, offered me the opportunity to immerse myself in the illuminating exhibition "Canova – Thorvaldsen: The Birth of Modern Sculpture." Hosted at the Gallerie d'Italia, the exhibition stood as a visual symphony, awakening emotions and channeling profound thoughts.The meticulous care with which Gallerie d'Italia presents works of such magnitude elevates the viewer's soul. My experience, intensified by the privilege of photographing these marvels, embodied a collision between artistic passion and the fleeting nature of human experience.Wrapped in this…
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When Political Correctness Leads to Restrictions on Freedom of Speech

When Political Correctness Leads to Restrictions on Freedom of Speech

The "politically correct" approach has sparked heated debates in recent years. Some view it as a form of neo-bigotry, arguing that it stifles freedom of speech and promotes monolithic thinking.Let's explore, then, the origins and facets of this issue. The term "politically correct" was born with a positive connotation: to avoid speech and behaviors that could hurt minorities and the disadvantaged. The intent was to protect vulnerable communities from prejudices and discriminations.Over time, however, political correctness has taken on more problematic connotations. Many believe that, under its banner, the subjectivity of "offense" has grown and that some opinions have been…
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“Alice in Wonderland”: A Fascinating Journey into Lewis Carroll’s Imagination

“Alice in Wonderland”: A Fascinating Journey into Lewis Carroll’s Imagination

Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" offers us a timeless piece of literature that continues to amaze and entertain readers of all ages. The book is a true triumph of imagination, a journey into a dreamy and enchanting world that brilliantly reflects the author's fervent imagination.Alice, the young protagonist, embodies the innocence, curiosity, and spontaneity of childhood. Carroll portrays her as an intelligent and courageous girl with a lively sense of adventure. It's impossible not to admire her ability to adapt to various, and often absurd, scenarios she finds herself in, reflecting the wondrous flexibility of a child's mind.Carroll fills his…
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The Absurdity of Estate Taxation: A Threat to Italian Cultural Heritage

The Absurdity of Estate Taxation: A Threat to Italian Cultural Heritage

The taxation of inheritances is a complex issue that touches on economic, historical, cultural, and sentimental aspects. At the heart of the debate is a fundamental question: Is it fair to tax assets that have, in fact, already been subjected to taxation? Consider the following situation: a person, over their lifetime, acquires property—a historic villa, a palace, a castle—has paid VAT, property taxes, and every year, has paid the IMU (a municipal property tax in Italy). Within these dwellings are contained art collections, which were also taxed at the time of purchase. Upon the owner's death, these assets pass to…
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The Battle Against Censorship in Video Games: Preserving Artistic Freedom

The Battle Against Censorship in Video Games: Preserving Artistic Freedom

Attention, dear readers! An intrusion is underway in our beloved world of video games, an act of oppression that could jeopardize our precious hours spent saving princesses, battling alien monsters, and constructing entire worlds pixel by pixel. We are talking, of course, about the censorship of artistic works in video games. Ah, censorship! That relentless force that creeps into artistic creations and with a stroke of a pen—or, in this case, a line of code—transforms a work of art into something more... palatable. Something that could never offend, disturb, or—heaven forbid—make us think. But who needs to think, right? Especially…
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Fostering Inclusivity: The Family’s Role in Embracing Diversity

Fostering Inclusivity: The Family’s Role in Embracing Diversity

Introduction In an increasingly diverse and interconnected world, inclusive education within family units is proving to be essential in building a harmonious society. A family environment that fosters the acceptance of differences plants the seeds of an open mindset in future generations, aiding in the development of adults who value diversity rather than fear it. This article underscores the significance of dedicating specific family events to the celebration and acceptance of differences, be they cultural, physical, gender-based, or otherwise.Simultaneously, the article sheds light on the critical role that child-rearing plays in molding open minds. When parents encourage their children to…
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Orientalism in 19th Century Art: A Glimpse into the Exotic East

Orientalism in 19th Century Art: A Glimpse into the Exotic East

The 19th century marked the rise of Orientalism in Western art. This movement, imbued with a fascination for the exotic 'East', offered artists an escape from the rigid moral norms of the Victorian era.Developed during a period of rapid colonial expansion, Orientalism thrived on the enchantment and mystery of the East. The West, encountering cultures and societies that were until then distant and enigmatic, found in the 'Other' a powerful catalyst for artistic imagination, generating an entire genre dedicated to depicting the multifaceted aspects of the East in all its manifestations.In Western art, the East was often portrayed as an…
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“Alice in Wonderland”: A Psychological Analysis of the Mad Hatter’s Crew

“Alice in Wonderland”: A Psychological Analysis of the Mad Hatter’s Crew

"Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll stands as a cornerstone of children's literature, a story that entertains and fascinates not only young readers but adults alike. Within the novel's imaginative realm, a particular ensemble of characters - the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Dormouse - stands out for its singular and bizarre behavior, inviting a deep psychological analysis.Let's start with the eccentric Mad Hatter. He embodies the quintessence of madness, characterized by disordered and delirious behavior. From a psychological standpoint, his manners can be interpreted as manifestations of a form of psychosis, a disorder characterized by hallucinations and…
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Saint Oswald of Northumbria: The Kingly Patron of Faith and Legends

Saint Oswald of Northumbria: The Kingly Patron of Faith and Legends

Art, in its many forms, often serves as the spokesperson for stories passed down through generations, narrating the lives of heroes, kings, and saints. This is certainly the case with Saint Oswald of Northumbria, the saintly king who ruled England in the 7th century, whose life and deeds have become legendary.In the small village of Sauris di Sotto, in the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, stands a church dedicated to Saint Oswald. The photographs accompanying this article reveal the captivating simplicity of this place of worship, and within it lies an iconic depiction of Saint Oswald carrying with him a…
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The Renaissance of Handwriting: The Art of Calligraphy in the Digital Age

The Renaissance of Handwriting: The Art of Calligraphy in the Digital Age

Introduction In the digital era we inhabit, where handwritten communication seems increasingly consigned to history, an ancient art is experiencing a renaissance: calligraphy. Writing with a pencil, taking the time to craft each letter with grace and precision, is capturing the attention of many enthusiasts. This resurgence is not only for the aesthetic pleasure it provides but also for the numerous benefits it offers to the mind and brain. In this article, we will delve into the virtues of pencil writing and how this manual exercise can contribute to mental well-being. The Beauty of Calligraphy: The allure of calligraphy lies…
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