Marco Mattiuzzi

A multifaceted artist, former teacher and communicator, he has dedicated years to art and communication. He taught classical guitar, exhibited photos and wrote in magazines. In the book sector, he promoted photography and art through HF Distribuzione, a company specialized in mail-order sales. He currently owns CYBERSPAZIO WEB & STREAMING HOSTING. In 2018, he created the Facebook group "Art Pills" with over 65,000 members and manages CYBERSPAZIO WEB RADIO dedicated to classical music. He collaborates with several cultural organizations in Vercelli, including Amici dei Musei and Artes Liberales.
For more info click here.
207 Posts
The Three-Dimensional World of Mario Arlati: A Journey of the Soul.

The Three-Dimensional World of Mario Arlati: A Journey of the Soul.

There was an almost tense air of anticipation as I moved through the rooms of the Teatrino di Corte at the Royal Palace of Monza. Here, ensconced within walls steeped in history as ancient as it is alive, the world of Mario Arlati awaited me. The Milanese artist, active since the late '70s, had a unique talent for communicating with his audience through a language that melds the visceral strength of material with the sublimation of color. Mario Arlati is not a painter of mere flat surfaces or two-dimensional images. His works advance toward the viewer, creating craters, wounds, and…
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The Apocalypse of Bits and the Redemption of Human Stupidity

The Apocalypse of Bits and the Redemption of Human Stupidity

In a world where technology is advancing at a breakneck pace, gifting us with self-driving cars and smartphones that know almost everything about us - from our culinary preferences to our political leanings - a silent presence continues to disturb our nights: Artificial Intelligence, better known as AI. Yes, that very thing, the thinking machine, the learning algorithm, the digital entity that could one day decide to rebel and take over our planet. Why should we worry about more mundane issues like climate change or the rise of social inequality when there exists the possibility that a virtual entity could…
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The Family: A Polymorphic Unit of Human Society

The Family: A Polymorphic Unit of Human Society

In the complex fabric of society, the family stands as the fundamental cell, the foundation upon which values, affections, and the continuity of the species rest. However, the family is also a dynamic entity, one that changes and adapts to the fluctuations of culture and time. Forget traditional models, for the modern family is a kaleidoscope of possible compositions. Traditional Families and New Forms If we were to ask someone to mentally portray a family, the traditional image would likely emerge: a father, a mother, and their children. This is a familial structure that has stood the test of time,…
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Salvatore Morelli: The Enlightened Revolutionary

Salvatore Morelli: The Enlightened Revolutionary

In the early 19th century, in a modest home in Carovigno, Province of Brindisi, Salvatore Morelli was born, destined to become a tireless advocate for equality and justice. The product of the humble union between Casimiro, a state employee, and Aurora Brandi, a homemaker, Morelli would grow up to become one of the most progressive thinkers of his time.Wrapped in the pulsating energy of Naples, where he had relocated to earn a law degree, Morelli soon found himself in the midst of a bubbling cultural melting pot. He frequented the salons of Giuseppe De Cesare and Giuseppina Guacci Nobili, engaging…
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The Wild Child by Truffaut: A Disquisition on Black and White and the Essence of Scene

The Wild Child by Truffaut: A Disquisition on Black and White and the Essence of Scene

In the landscape of cinema, few films manage to channel human depth and the complexity of social relationships like François Truffaut's "The Wild Child" (L'Enfant Sauvage). Set in post-revolutionary France, the film follows the story of a feral boy captured and Dr. Itard's arduous attempt to "civilize" him. However, as is the case with many of Truffaut's works, the surface narrative conceals profound philosophical and aesthetic reflections.At first glance, the choice of black and white might seem like a nostalgic tribute to a bygone era of filmmaking, but this choice soon reveals itself to be laden with implications. The monochrome…
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Franco Maria Ricci: A Visionary Amidst Art, Culture, and Labyrinths

Franco Maria Ricci: A Visionary Amidst Art, Culture, and Labyrinths

In a nation renowned for its creative geniuses, Franco Maria Ricci stands as something of an enigma, a figure who seems lifted from a Gothic novella, where the protagonist is as much a guardian of the past as an architect of the future. Born in 1937 in the culturally rich city of Parma, Ricci has carved a path in an often elusive world, becoming an irreplaceable entity in the Italian artistic and cultural landscape.Choosing a career as a publisher and graphic designer, Ricci has relentlessly pursued that ethereal thing called "beauty." Like a modern-day alchemist, he has turned paper and…
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Beyond the Mirror: Inside Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Cittadellarte

Beyond the Mirror: Inside Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Cittadellarte

In the quiet rooms of Cittadelladarte, where art and humanity merge in a perpetual enchantment, exists a work that reflects not only reality but also the observer. Michelangelo Pistoletto, a name embodying creativity and experimentation, has forged worlds within reflective surfaces, creating a realm of endless possibilities where the visitor becomes an integral part of the art.When we stand before one of Pistoletto's reflective works, the boundary between observer and artwork blurs, dissolves. In a modern, perhaps slightly irreverent impulse, we decide to take a selfie. But what happens in that moment? Is there a symbiosis, a meeting between two…
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Michelangelo Pistoletto and the Secret of the “Third Paradise”: A Lens to Look Towards the Future

Michelangelo Pistoletto and the Secret of the “Third Paradise”: A Lens to Look Towards the Future

An Intimate Encounter: The Artist and the Symbol In the enveloping atmosphere of the studio, where sunlight seems to want to dance on the canvas and color pigments, Michelangelo Pistoletto confronts the very essence of his artistic vision. The air is charged with an almost tangible energy, as if the simple act of observing that symbol, the "Third Paradise", could trigger a sort of spiritual alchemy. Time seems to expand, granting the artist and his masterpiece a dialogue that goes beyond words, an understanding that brushes the divine. Pistoletto is a solitary navigator in a sea of artistic conventions and…
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Angelo Gilardino: A Multifaceted Master of Guitar Artistry

Angelo Gilardino: A Multifaceted Master of Guitar Artistry

Angelo Gilardino is a legendary figure who has illuminated the global musical landscape with a rare luminosity. Born in 1941 in Vercelli, but raised in Asigliano Vercellese, this artist and educator has left an indelible mark in the history of classical guitar and humanism. His skill in weaving together classicism and modern tones has made him an unparalleled figure. From Early Steps in Vercelli to International Ascendancy In the misty ambiance of Vercelli, a town where time seems to almost stand still, a young Angelo Gilardino discovers his refuge in the world of music. After experiencing the devastating loss of…
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The Echo of the Middle Ages in Harry Potter: From Quidditch to the Castles of Hogwarts

The Echo of the Middle Ages in Harry Potter: From Quidditch to the Castles of Hogwarts

In the broad and enchanted universe delineated by J.K. Rowling through the Harry Potter saga, the echoes of a dreamy medieval era strongly and charmingly surface. Not merely an adventure filled with magic and intrigues, the narrative escorts us on a parallel voyage between the world of Hogwarts and the atmospheres of medieval Europe. This exploration will concentrate on some captivating connections: Quidditch as the counterpart of knightly tournaments, Hogwarts castle as a medieval emblem, and the school houses as factions in a ceaseless competition. The Quidditch as Echoes of Chivalric Tournaments The Quidditch, the favored sport of wizards and…
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